National Grid is the primary distributor of electricity and gas in the state of Rhode Island, which operates as a virtual monopoly. National Grid claims to be a responsible and responsive steward of our vital utilities system. (They aren't.) In fact, they've continued to fail the people of Rhode Island while demanding burdensome rate hikes, including a rate hike currently being considered by the state’s Public Utilities Commission. We at Providence DSA are taking on National Grid. We want to build a better, more democratic, and publicly-owned utility.
Here's what we're trying to do:
1. Stop and reverse all utilities shutoffs.Nobody should lose access to a human necessity such as heat or electricity because they can't afford to pay.
2. Implement the Percentage Income Payment Plan. PIPP would ensure low-income customers would have continuous access to needed utilities by coupling their bill with their income.
3. Stop National Grid’s excessive rate increases. We will not allow National Grid to gouge the people of Rhode Island without putting up a fight
4. Democratize Rhode Island's utilities through public ownership. We want to build a utilities system owned and directed democratically by the people of Rhode Island.